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  • Writer's pictureTiffany Secula

Building On Faith

I hope your year is off to a productive start! Whatever goals you have set for yourself I pray your are seeing progress in those. As we continue in this year remember to build up not only the physical areas of your life (losing weight, getting stronger, doing better at work or at school), but most importantly your spiritual life by growing stronger in your faith.

"If we want to grow stronger in our spiritual lives, then we must build on our foundation of faith. We have to grow in our faith, feed it, nourish it, and encourage it to reach closer to God every day. How do we do that? How do we grow in our faith and strengthen the foundation that will keep our spiritual lives near to God?
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
If we want to grow our faith, then we must be in constant connection to the Word of God. Paul reminded the church at Rome that faith came through hearing the Word; the same is true for us.
The fundamental way to strengthen and grow in our faith is to dedicate more time to the study of God’s Word. Listen to an audio Bible while you drive; memorize verses of Scripture that you can meditate on during the day; make time to study, even if it is only for a few minutes at a time. You will never regret more time spent listening to what God has to say." (ABCs of a Strong Spiritual Life, Vol. 1, pg. 97-98)

Here's to a stronger you in 2019! God Bless!! ~Tiffany

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